We are all living through unprecedented times with most countries now under lockdown due to the global pandemic known as COVID-19, we are faced with the challenge of managing our work and our families from under the same roof. Yikes! Be aware, it’s not only challenging for you but for your family too as they will feel the impact of your commitment to work that is affecting their own lives.
1. Define boundaries for both your work and family
Determine a clear distinction between your work and personal life, this will define your limits for both. Before the coronavirus pandemic, a task as simple as travelling between your home and office would have distinguished between your work and personal life. Now, you need to adopt any possible tools or strategy to serve this purpose
2. Ensure to eat, regularly
While working, pay attention to taking reasonably timed breaks for eating. Since you are working from home, scheduling your meal times so that you are be able to enjoy a good meal. Use this dedicated time as quality time to be spent with your family and put away all the distractions, like mobile phones.[
3. Proper Sleep Routine
It may be tempting to sleep in a little longer or stay up and watch another show on Netflix, but disregard towards obtaining sufficient sleep may have consequences on your health, as well as, on your work-family balance. Consider going to bed and waking up at a regular time each day to increase your energy and productivity at work keeping you energised and active at all times.
4. Harness the power of your time
Some people focus better at night, while others are far more productive during the daytime. Assess yourself to know during which time you are most productive. Dedicate this time to attend to the most complicated and difficult of tasks
5. Get the family involved
Involving your family in your career/work wherever possible, by giving them regular updates about where you are and what you are working on will contribute greatly to achieving work-family balance. Once your family are involved in what you do, they can see it from the inside out and be able to appreciate just what commitment it requires from you to make it a success, thus more likely to feel content and more able to support you.
6. Give family dedicated time
The biggest obstacle to peace at home is probably time, or rather the lack of time you are spending with them. So, dedicate planned in advance blocks of time to spend with your family – where you are able to be there 100% for them instead of having half your mind on work matters. Don’t try to secretly check your emails, they will quickly catch wind and you will just upset everyone – including yourself, as you won’t be able to focus properly anyway.
7. Don’t make unnecessary excuses
Be aware the seductive nature of working from home – it can be all too easy to use working on a deadline as an excuse for not taking part in family activities (hands up if you feel more in control at work than with your family.) Be on your guard, and be aware.
8. Don’t be hard on yourself, call Elula
Through this time, be kind to yourself and loved ones. No one can handle this better than if they remain calm, open to change and full of love and smiles. Keep your head up, and if you ever feel like you are unable to cope, give us a call. Elula Online will gladly assist with any issues you may be facing:
• IT Struggles
• Website hassles
• Remote working challenges
• Social Media Marketing
• Encouraging words and a friendly voice to talk to